
Today, I deleted my MySpace account. I’ve been meaning to do so for quite some time now, but I put it off in case I missed Something Very Important. As it turned out, I never did. I don’t understand the point of MySpace, frankly. In the last few weeks, I’ve received ‘add requests’ from members who list upwards of 5,000 ‘friends’. You have five thousand friends?! How exactly does one have five thousand friends? And if I become the 5,001st friend, will that make me special? No, I don’t think it will. And what do people do on MySpace anyway? What exactly happens there? It seems that one doesn’t necessarily have to make an effort (as one does when, say, blogging), and that all that is required is the odd comment on another profile every so often. Perhaps I’m just too old and/ or cynical for such a place, but if I’m going to waste time on the Internet, I want to do so somewhere where something actually engages me.

And the profiles that people think look nice and attractive to others? Aw man, don’t even start me again on the blinding profiles! MINE EYES!

I’m relieved that I’ve deleted it – I’ve hated MySpace for years – and clearly I’m too kool for skool (is that how the kids say it?) now that I’m not there anymore.

I really have nothing else to say today…

5 responses to “MySpazz

  1. Blue, I did that too a few weeks back but it just wasn’t enough! I’m sure if I really, really, really, really need a Myspace profile, I can always make another one. I wasn’t really very attached to the one I had.

  2. I’ve never even been on mysapce and I don’t think I’ll bother now. I’ve heard other people talking about it as well but I don’t think that it would useful to me. So I’ll take your advice again!

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